Person with dementia

Active role in the community

Fukuoka Orange Talent Bank

In June 2021, Fukuoka City established the "Orange Talent Bank"" in order to develop opportunities where people with dementia can play an active role in the community. By registering with the Talent Bank, people with dementia can, for example, participate in product development projects that incorporate their experiences and work for companies.
At our center, people with dementia also work on a regular basis. If you wish to register with the Orange Talet Bank, please contact the center.

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Fukuoka Orange Partners

Fukuoka Orange Partners is a consortium composed of an all-Fukuoka collaboration of industry, academia, public and private partners working to create an environment where people with dementia can play an active role. It includes individuals with dementia, their families, corporations, organizations, healthcare and social care providers, and municipality representatives. They are all equal partners that voluntarily "learn", "think”, "collaborate" and "act" on dementia. The consortium explores possibilities to enable living to the full with dignity even with dementia, and to translate these ideas into practical efforts. Fukuoka Orange Partners empower individuals with dementia to lead meaningful lives, and envision a collaborative platform where all stakeholders contribute to fostering dementia-friendly communities.
What you have experienced and what you have devised in your daily life would lead to great hopes and hints for those who have been diagnosed with dementia or are worried that they may have dementia.
You can play an active role in co-creating a community that is easier to live in by sharing your opinions and ideas about what you would like to see in businesses and organizations.


Voices and writings of people with dementia

We share a collection of thoughts and lives of people with dementia and their families. Please feel free to share your daily trivialities, your joys, your troubles and so on with us. It would be helpful for those who are in the same situations as you.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like to help us communicate your message.

Social interaction

Dementia peer group meeting

We hold a "Dementia peer group meeting" where people with dementia gather to discuss their own experiences, hopes and needs, and their future lives together. Family members are welcome to attend. The discussion is divided into a group for the individual with dementia and a group for family members.


Dementia cafe

Would you like to visit a Dementia cafe?
Dementia cafes, which are places where people with dementia, their families, and local residents can gather and interact with each other, are on the rise.
By supporting the launch and continued operation of dementia cafes, the Center promotes an environment where people with dementia and their families can live and work safely in the community.


Peer support activities

The word "peer" means companion or equal. A "peer supporter" is a person with dementia who listens to other people with dementia and becomes a sounding board for them based on their own experiences.
It is easy to talk with peers who have had the same experience, and through the connection, you can share your thoughts and feelings. If you would like to talk to a peer supporter or would like to act as a peer supporter yourself, please contact us.


Consultation with experts and center staff

Individual consultation for Humanitude®

Appropriate support for people with dementia is important for them to live with peace of mind. We offer individual consultations on Humanitude®, a communication technique that conveys kindness to people with dementia, which is necessary in this process.

Individual consultation on dementia-friendly design

One of the keys to creating a living environment where people with dementia can live as independently and confidently as possible and live your life in a way that you want is to incorporate dementia-friendly design.
The Center provides individualized advice on the key points needed to introduce dementia-friendly design in your home, such as signage, color combinations, lighting, and furniture placement. Please take advantage of this service so that you can live at home with peace of mind.


Upcoming Events

Contact us


Opening hours 9:00 - 18:00

We are closed on Sundays, Mondays, National Holidays and the New Year's holiday.

【Opening hours】
  10:00 ー 18:00

Getting here

By Subway

Get off at Akasaka Subway Station, take Exit 3 and walk about 4 minutes.

By Bus (Nishitetsu Bus)

▷ From "Nagahama 2 chome" bus stop on Nanotsu Street
      Approximately 1 minute walk

▷ From "the Bureau of Judicial Affairs" bus stop on Showa Street
      Approximately 3 minutes walk

▷ From "Akasakamon" bus stop on Meiji-dori Street
      Approx. 4-minute walk

【 Underground toll parking lot 】
  Tarrif: 100 yen / 30 min.
  Parking space: 50 cars"

Address: 2nd floor, Airefu, 2-5-1, Maizuru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, 810-0073, Japan"

  • What is Dementia Friendly Center?

  • ・ Features of the Center

  • ・ About the Center

  • ・ Exhibition Area

  • ・ Lounge

  • ・ Consultation room / A place to be alone

  • ・ AR Experience Area

  • ・ Seminar Room



  • ・ Consultation room / A place to be alone

  • ・ AR Experience Area

  • ・ Seminar Room
