What is Dementia
Friendly Center?

"The Fukuoka Dementia Friendly Center opened in September 2023 as the hub facility of the ""Dementia Friendly City Project"", which aims to become a city where people with dementia can live comfortably and independently in their familiar neighborhoods as long as they can. The Center is a place where anyone can use, regardless of whether they have dementia or not. You can learn about dementia, experience the world of people with dementia via AR, talk to people about dementia, work with people with dementia, interact with everyone...
We carry out various initiatives as the hub center to become a city where people with dementia, those who know someone with dementia, and those who feel they may have dementia in the future, can live lives with fulfilment in Fukuoka."


Features of the Center

The Dementia Friendly Center has been designed based on the ""dementia-friendly design"" that Fukuoka City has been promoting since 2020.
The Center's interior is planned to maximize independece, enhance confidence, reduce anxiety and confusion, help orientation and wayfinding, reduce unwanted stimuli and make everyone feel comfortable through the application of dementia-freindly desing principles.
The Center has received the ""Gold Accreditation"" from the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) at the University of Stirling in the U.K., which is the highest recognition in dementia design accreditation. This is the first time a public facility in Japan has received this award.


About the Center

The Center is open to everyone. Whether you have dementia or not, please feel free to visit. The key words of the Center are "active role in the community", "social interaction", "learning and experience" and "information dissemination". The Center offers various initiatives, such as exhibition of the products and services developed with the involvement of people with dementia, a place where people can interact with others and learn more about dementia, consultation on opportunities for people with dementia to play an active role in the community and an AR session to experience the world from the perspective of people with dementia, .

Exhibition Area

Products and services that reflect experiences of people with dementia and/or are developed with reference to dementia-friendly design are on display. There are various items from daily necessities to IT devices. It is a place where you can encounter useful tips for better living.



The lounge is available to everyone from children to the elderly.
As a place for interaction, we plan to hold social events and a cafe for people with dementia.
Many books on dementia are displayed on the bookshelf. Please feel free to take a look.


Consultation room / A place to be alone

This is a space for consultation with professionals or to relax alone. Please ask about opportunities for people with dementia to play an active role in the community. If you are concerned about memory loss, a simple cognitive function check using a tablet is available.


AR Experience Area

This area allows visitors to simulate the sense of vision of people with dementia using augmented reality (AR).
By experiencing the world of people with dementia, visitors will learn the importance of treating people with dementia with their perspectives and having environmental design in place. Booking is required for the experience, so please contact us in advance.

福岡市認知症フレンドリーセンター内の風景 福岡市認知症フレンドリーセンター内の風景

Seminar Room

In the seminar room, lectures and training sessions related to dementia are held.


Upcoming Events

Contact us


Opening hours 9:00 - 18:00

We are closed on Sundays, Mondays, National Holidays and the New Year's holiday.

【Opening hours】
  10:00 ー 18:00

Getting here

By Subway

Get off at Akasaka Subway Station, take Exit 3 and walk about 4 minutes.

By Bus (Nishitetsu Bus)

▷ From "Nagahama 2 chome" bus stop on Nanotsu Street
      Approximately 1 minute walk

▷ From "the Bureau of Judicial Affairs" bus stop on Showa Street
      Approximately 3 minutes walk

▷ From "Akasakamon" bus stop on Meiji-dori Street
      Approx. 4-minute walk

【 Underground toll parking lot 】
  Tarrif: 100 yen / 30 min.
  Parking space: 50 cars"

Address: 2nd floor, Airefu, 2-5-1, Maizuru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, 810-0073, Japan"

  • What is Dementia Friendly Center?

  • ・ Features of the Center

  • ・ About the Center

  • ・ Exhibition Area

  • ・ Lounge

  • ・ Consultation room / A place to be alone

  • ・ AR Experience Area

  • ・ Seminar Room



  • ・ Consultation room / A place to be alone

  • ・ AR Experience Area

  • ・ Seminar Room
